
Friday, July 30, 2021


 Ki Ora bloggers, For the first week back at school we have been learning about the Olympics! We have learned about the 2020 Olympics and the first ever Olympics! Here is my slide👇. Enjoy! 


Have you been watching the Olympics? What is your favourite sport in the Olympics?
I liked doing this slide and learning about the Olympics.
My answers were found on: link 1  Link 2
Thank you for reading my blog post. 
By Amy.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Brilliant Basic Facts

 Hey bloggers,

 This is a slide that I have lots of basic facts bricks on it. They are math questions. If they get to hard there are videos to help you. They have thirty easy to hard questions on them. Here it is👇


I answered them in math. They were easy at the start and then they got harder.  
It was made on google slides. 
Do you like math?
By Amy.